Saturday, November 7, 2009

November 2/09

In todays class we did a lab to see if the volume at STP is really 22.4L.

1.The materials were:
2.100ml graduated cylinder
3.lighter with butane gas
3.a sink filled with water

The procedure was:
1)fill the sink with water don't over flow it
2)put the graduated cylinder underwater until it is completely filled with water and there no gas bubbles
3)put your lighter underwater so that water gets in the lighter then go weigh it and record the 4)mass make sure you dry your lighter before weighing it
5)then put the lighter underwater at the entrance of the graduated cylinder and release 10ml of butane you should see gas starting to form and water starting to decrease
6)once you released 10ml of butane dry off your lighter and record its mass

Mass of lighter : 16.5
Mass of lighter after butane released: 16.3
number of moles in the lighters mass: 0.3g

Percentage error

22.4 - 16.3 / 22.4 * 100 = 27%
some errors we had in this experiment was we had to redo the experiment twice because water got in our lighter and made it heavier even though we released butane gas and we released 20ml of butane gas instead of 10ml.

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