Friday, September 18, 2009

Chemistry Class Number Two September 16/09

Today in chemistry we learned about conversions(dimension analysis) and the SI unit system.
Example: 1L --> ?mL 1L = 1000ml
to find out more about conversion you can have a look at the following website.

SI unit system

Giga- billion G 109
Mega- million M 106
kilo- thousand k 103
centi- hundredths of c 10-2
milli- thousandths of m 10-3
micro- millionths of ยต 10-6
nano- billionths of n 10-9
pico- trillionths of p 10-12

We also learned that we will be doing a lab next class on how much salt can dissolve in 40ml of water. We are learning more and more each chemistry class and things are geting harder to do. We will need to know how to do these conversions for our chapter test on tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately this is insufficient. You will need to expand your postings to provide more detail about specifically what you learned, how to do the calculations, provide a minimum of one example of each topic and, according to the assignment sheet, include some sort of multimedia. Fortunately you can always edit/revise previous posts. In the case of these two, I suggest you do that.
