Saturday, September 26, 2009

Chemistry September 18/09

In chemistry 11 today we did a lab. The lab was to find out how much salt can dissolve in 40ml of water. We had to put salt in bit by bit into the water and stir it, until we could not see anymore salt at the bottom of the water. When salt still remained at the bottom that means that the water could no longer dissolve anymore amount of salt. The amount of salt that could be dissolved in 40ml of water was 11.5grams of salt. The procedure for this lab can be found on the following website.

We also learned about the basics of graphing today. We would have to know this because Mr.Doktor had wanted us to graph our results on paper. He specifically said on your graph you must have at least 5 basic elements, those are:
1. Title

2. Labeled axis
3. Correct scaled axis
4. Data plotted correctly
5. Best-fit line

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