Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chemistry 11 October 15/09

Today in chemistry we learned about moles.

1 mole is equal to 6.02 x 1023

this number was created by Amedeo Avogadro. A pea of moles can cover all of the buildings in canada. Mr.Doktor also explained to us how to use the mole to balance equations.

2 H2 + O2 = 2 H2O
2 molecules + 1 molecule = 2 molecules
12.04 x 10 power 23 + 6.02 x 10 power 23 = 12.04 x 10 power 23
2 moles + 1 mole = 2 moles

Avogadro also had a hypothesis and that was:
Equal volumes of any gas at the same temperature and pressure contain equal numbers of molecules.

We also learned about a man named John Dalton and how he used masses of chemicals to look for a patter in chemical reactions.

What he came up with were :
11.1g of H2 reacts with 88.9g of O2
46.7g of N2 reacts with 53.3g of O2
42.9g of C reacts with 57.1g of O2

Which there was no pattern.

And we learned about a guy named Joseph Gay-Lussac he also was looking for a pattern in chemical reactions by using simple ratios.

He came up with:
1L of H2 reacts with 1L of Cl2 = 2L of HCl
1L of N2 reacts with 3L of H2 = 2L of NH3
2L of CO reacts with 1L of O2 = 2L of CO2

Here's a youtube video explaining a concept of the mole:

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