Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chemistry Class September 29/09

Today in chemistry 11 we learned that matter can be divided into either a heterogeneous mixture or a homogeneous mixture. In a homogeneous mixture there is only 1 visible substance for example water and graphite are homogeneous substances. Heterogeneous substances contain more than one visible component, examples would be chocolate chip cookie and granite.

We also learned that there are two types or pure substances. Elements is one of them which is a substance that can't be broken down to simpler substances by a chemical reaction. Examples would be oxygen, iron, magnesium. The other pure substance is a compound, which are substances that are made up of two or more elements and can
be changed into elements or other compounds by chemical reactions. Examples would be water, chocolate chip cookies, and sugar.
It is very difficult to know the difference between a compound and a element you can only see the difference on an atomic level. There is one method though, this method is to connect the substance to an electric current. This technique is called electrolysis it will split the compound apart into its consistent element.

Down Here is a video explaining Heterogeneous and Homogeneous mixtures.

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